Tattoo Artist
Michelle er spesialist på skarpe og rette linjer. Har et øye for detaljer og er en perfeksjonist.
Fra: Norge
Stil: Neotrad inspired cartoony stuff. Black and gray, slowly getting into colors
Erfaring: I started as an apprentice in December 2020, but began tattooing regularly from the end of April 2021.
Instagram: @ink.by.raya
I’ve loved drawing since I was little and would often describe myself as an “free time doodler”. I’m inspired by fantasy stuff for the most part, but also mythology and folklore. Dark, witchy fantasy stuff is what I enjoy to do the most. I’m slowly getting into colors as well, so a combination of “dark and colorful” would be fun.
Tattoo Artist
Michelle er spesialist på skarpe og rette linjer. Har et øye for detaljer og er en perfeksjonist.
Owner / Tattoo Artist
Kai har tatovert siden 2005 og er en veteran i bransjen.
Stil: Blackwork, surealisitisk, realistisk og black & grey.
Tattoo Artist
Fra: Thailand
Stil: Realistic Black & Grey, Micro realism, Blackwork, Sketching and Linework
Tattoo Artist
Fra: Chile
Stil: Traditional and Neo-traditional style.